Monday, December 28, 2009


Had the pleasure of seeing three-quarters of the Soldiers over the holiday weekend. Spoke with Caleb briefly about Radiohead, a recent obsession (him: Kid A. me: OK Computer). They strummed and sang, but did not bang, as Trigger was unfortunately absent. But their latest piece is beginning to sound...delicious. It is evident that someone has been listening to Radiohead and Pink Floyd, perhaps obsessively.

Also: seven-track demo is complete. More coming soon.

Also, pt. II, recently: Jeremy introduced his bandmates to someone as, "Hi, this is my best friend Caleb. And that's his twin brother Josh."

Which was funny.

So I said Hi, this is my best friend Josh. And that's his brother Caleb.

So they both have best friends.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I spoke with Jeremy last night about celebrity, and he expressed an interest in becoming "moderately famous."
Talked about how it would be nice to walk down the street without being recognized all the time.

There are definitely upsides to moderate fame, I reminded him.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Altruism in Action

Jeremy's wish list.
Pretty self-explanatory.

Note: beside "life-size Volkswagen van," where it says Meilani too, it does not mean they will share. It means you need to get each of them one.

Note, pt. II: Jeremy is currently taking auto mechanics, so he should be capable of fixing any potential problems, though legend has it that VWs rarely need any work...

have not received lists from other band members yet.

Holiday Tunes

One of the perks of having Jeremy staying with us is getting early listens of melodies in progress. Also, his renditions of holiday classics, which culminated two nights ago in a living room version of O Holy Night. Thunderous, beautiful, peaceful. White holiday lights providing the sole illumination, Portland lights twinkling in the distance.

Also, Jeremy and Caleb attended a banquet last weekend. Which was memorable. Ask them.